
purely random…

” Put Me in remembrance; let us contend together; state your case, that you may be acquitted. ” – Isaiah 43:26

This verse highlights the truth that we can go directly before God and just pour out our hearts to Him. There are times that we try to bear all the burdens in life on our own strength. The danger is that man’s strength is bound to fail. That’s why sooner or later we find ourselves burned out and not able to continue anymore. ” Put Me in remembrance..,” how about calling out to Me? The Lord is saying in effect. You’ve been trying to handle things on your own, now why not try Me this time. Tell me all your disappointments, anger and bitterness.. Remember Me… and I will show you that whatever it is that’s holding you back is not your story. You’ve already become so tired of fighting.. but “.. put me in remembrance..” and I will renew your strength; I will cause you to mount up with wings like eagles, I will cause you to run and not grow weary, walk and not faint.

September 30, 2010 Posted by | Ministry | Leave a comment

Piwi on blogging

I was reading earlier an article about choosing a niche or theme to blog about. Well, the author’s recommendation was to start a personal blog. He shared that at first he didn’t think about monetizing it but he just used it to share his thoughts on topics that interests him. Overtime, it became clearer to him that he needed to put his blogging to another level so he started other blogs that are now generating income for him. I think it’s quite cool.

I started blogging in 2007 just so I can have an outlet. I was using my multiply site then, which is no longer active, and I just posted random stuff there. This year,I opened this blogsite in an effort to do this on a regular basis. But come to think of it, I don’t think  I had a clear objective when I started aside from my desire to establish my blogging life. It still sounds so general. That may explain why I can’t seem to commit myself to really doing it. I think it doesn’t have focus yet. Oh well, it looks like I got the right sub-title to my blog– purely random.

September 23, 2010 Posted by | Of Cabbages and Kings | Leave a comment

Piwi on process and purpose…

First posted on my Facebook dated August 26, 2010

The process is more important than the outcome. This was and still is one of my favorite sayings that I used to share to other young people I talk to. But there was a long period of time in my life when I have somehow forgotten its meaning, especially when I needed to remember it the most. The struggle itself that I went through was already hard but the worse part was that I didn’t see any point as to why I had to experience it. Going through something and not having the right perspective on your situation will really put you in a tight spot. You’ll go in circles without getting anywhere. Sooner or later you become frustrated, you become angry and bitter, until you get to the point where you are so numb that you just don’t care anymore. Then, you feel like hope has given up on you. You feel like giving up. Finally, you hit rock bottom.

There’s always a process to follow in everything. In school, if you’re going to enroll. In different government agencies, if you’re going to renew your passport, apply for your driver’s license, get your NBI clearance etc., you’re going to see signages telling you to do this first, go there, so on and so forth. Equally true, in life experiences you’ll discover that the process is also evident though not everything has to be in order. It could be in overlapping manner. Sometimes, you would jump from step 3 then go back to step 2. It really depends on your circumstance. The point is, there’s a pattern or if I may, a process, that we follow and sometimes, without any awareness of it.

I find this true in my life. I’ve seen myself in the middle of a struggle trying to fight my way out, pretending that I was okay and impatiently insisting on going to the next step without accepting the fact that there was something that I needed to deal with and/or do something first before I could go on. Because of that, I’ve learned this lesson the hard way- trying to go against the pattern that you’re supposed to follow would impede your growth, stall your learning and waste your time.

The important thing to remember is that there is a purpose behind the process. I personally believe that ultimately, the development of character is that overriding purpose. So, if this is the case, there are times, and not all the time, that time is irrelevant so long as the purpose is achieved. In this kind of situation, patience is needed. You don’t have to rush things. Try to absorb every bit of learning that you can while you’re still going through it. Those learnings will strengthen your character. There are also instances where the situation calls for getting through it as fast as you can otherwise you’ll miss your lesson. The key is to acknowledge that there is a design in everything that happens in and to you. Don’t stray away. It will only hurt you.

I believe that an understanding of this process and the purpose behind it is the thing that can redeem you of your past regrets. Years of your life that have been wasted because of wrong decisions, opportunities that slipped by because of indecisions and any other thing that gives you that ‘what if’ thoughts are causes of regrets. But if we apply the process and purpose principle, we can look at it differently. Wasted years can be taken as years of preparation. Wasted opportunities can be dealt with as stepping stones for much better open doors. So you see, it can be a liberating lesson for us. You can say that nothing is really wasted then because you understand now that there is a purpose behind what happened to you, that you just needed to go through a certain process to give you that learning, give you that open door, give you that experience to strengthen you and make you a more complete person. Ain’t that cool?? Group hug everyone!!! Yey!!!

Anyways, I’m already sleepy so it’s time to post this entry. ^_^

September 4, 2010 Posted by | Of Cabbages and Kings | , , , | Leave a comment